Y’ALL… Gigi’s Cupcakes now ships nationwide to anywhere in the US! Thank you, Gigi’s Cupcakes, for the box of cupcakes that was delivered to my doorstep only one day after they shipped! Seeing packages on my doorstep always gives me the feels, but when the package contains sweet treats it’s like Christmas!

I couldn’t wait to devour these amazing little cupcakes, but the camera eats first 😄 What kind of a food blogger would I be if I didn’t spend an hour taking photos of these delicious confections while my husband waited hangrily to try just one? 😂 They were definitely worth the wait.

There are a few Gigi’s Cupcakes locations in Houston, but if you’re like me and love getting packages check out their website to order your colorful dozen. They’d make a great birthday surprise shipped to your bestie’s front door hint hint to my friends 😉. Gigi’s also ships cookies, brownies, cakes, assorted party packs, and they have gluten free options, too.